Suffering with back, shoulder, neck pain?

Are you in daily discomfort, struggling to get moving?

Join our 6 week Alleviate Your Back Pain Course



Claim Your Space Now

3 Common Mistakes People Make 

  1. Lots of people rest and avoid moving around.
  2. Many people take pain killers and hope that will solve the problem.
  3. Many people spend a lot of money going to a Physio/Chiropractor.

These things treat the top layer but they're not treating the cause of it. If you are seriously looking to stop suffering from back pain and body aches, then you already know that you need to make some changes in taking better care of your health and wellbeing. 

You might be thinking...

I have tried different things but I am still just having these aches and pains.

I just don't know where to start...

I hear so much information out there and I try to follow it but I never can stick to one system...

I get distracted from my workouts and exercise routine and my aches and pains always seem to come back...

The reason our 6 week

Alleviate Your Back Pain Program really works is because we start with the basics...

  • We start with the ABC's of pilates to build your foundation:
  • A is for Alignment 
  • B is for Breathing
  • C is for Core

Being in alignment, having the proper breath and oxygen intake, and having a strong core all enable you to live your best life without pain. 

Taking out one of these essentials will put you off balance and cause stress to your body. 

This stress over time causes back pain, body aches, as well as other niggles that disrupt your way of life. 

What if you could.... 

  • Stop having to plan your life around your back pain
  • Take back control of your time and spend it doing the things you love
  • Follow along with expert instruction to stop your pain dead in its tracks

Here’s what you get inside of 
Alleviate Back Pain
Online Pilates Course

The Alleviate Back Pack Course is broken down into 6 weeks of training modules. All course materials are housed in a private members only site.

We start with the Fundamentals
A, B, C

Always start with the proper technique!

  • Expert instruction on your alignment and Pilates fundamentals
  • Start with the basics
  • Review as many times as you need and can keep coming back to this section throughout the course to ensure you have mastered the basics

Next up we have the main Pilates lessons

  • Weeks 1, 2 and 3 will build off of what you learned in the fundamentals section
  • Each week you will see improvement in your core muscles enabling you to have a better quality of life
  • These first 3 weeks are essential to building the proper muscles to say good-bye to aches and pains

Training Videos for Weeks 1, 2, 3

Training Videos for Weeks 4, 5, 6

Continuing with the main Pilates lessons

  • Weeks 4, 5 and 6 are essential to locking in your learnings from the first 3 weeks
  • You continue to build up the proper muscle groups enabling you to move with ease compared to just a few weeks before starting the course
  • By following this programme you are able to see great results and no more missing out on the things you really want to do in life because of aches and pains

Not only will you get the complete Alleviate Your Back Pain Programme, you will also receive:

  • 35 Minute Gentle flow Pilates lesson to ease your body into next 6 weeks.
    Nothing worse than over-exerting yourself and this lesson is designed to set you up perfectly for you to be ready for week 1
  • LIVE Zoom calls on the 1st Tuesday of each month to ask questions with Viv and get even more expert advice. 
  • Exclusive access to 5+ additional hours of bonus Pilates lessons. These lessons will challenge you even further and keep your aches and pains from returning


Join Alleviate Back Pain Today

and get...


You’ll get access to all 6 core training modules and course materials, including streaming videos, assessments and LIVE training – everything you need to erase that stubborn back pain and get your body moving with confidence and ease.

  • 6+ hours of Expert Pilates instruction
  • Tailored lessons to get you out of pain
  • Personalised log-in to go at your own pace
  • Pre and Post course assessments to measure your progress


  • LIVE 60 min Zoom calls on the 1st Tuesday of each month at 7:30pm GMT to ask questions!
  • 35 minute gentle flow session to ease you into the next 6 weeks
  • Exclusive access to 5+ more hours of Pilates lessons







We want you to be 100% confident when you enrol in the
Alleviate Back Pain Course

That is why we offer a 14-day full money back guarantee. 

Yes we will give you 100% of your money back no questions asked. 

Why? Because we want you to love the programme and if you don't then that is okay.

Just email [email protected] within the first 2 weeks after purchase.

That simple. Nothing to lose.


I'm Viviane Buser 

I have been in the fitness industry since 2012. I was inspired to train as a fitness instructor after my own journey as a participant and feeling the benefits that exercise had on me both,  physically and mentally. Exercise was the key thing that helped me through grief, anxiety and low moods. I wanted to share my experience and help others to feel better about and within themselves like I did.

I was a keen runner and loved all things high impact until, I sustained a knee injury, and was told that I couldn’t participate in these activities any longer. (sad face)

Due to my injury, Viva Pilates was born! I decided to train as a Pilates instructor to help people alleviate and get out of pain through mindful movements to strengthen their core muscles but also, to help with their mental health. Teaching them to take time to breath, be mindful, and live in the present moment to let go of daily stresses and anxiety- this is my passion and my mission. 

My own experience of Pilates is a gentle practice that allows me to just BE, I acknowledge my thoughts, my feelings, my heavy heart, my pain...I focus on my BREATH, I don't have to think about anything else. I can completely switch off from the outside world and have an hour just for ME. I call it my HEALNG hour, I always feel better afterwards both mentally and physically. I feel lengthened and nicely stretched out, my mind calmer, relaxed and lighter.  

Movement is so much more than you think x

I have three beautiful Children and I live with my partner, Steve our two daughters Millie & Jasmin and our fluffy cat Rocco.

In my spare time I enjoy cycling, Yoga, walking, cooking, and being creative  crafting with string (Macrame).

I originally come from Switzerland, I love going back to visit and being in the mountains, being outdoors in nature, and breathing the beautiful clean air. If you haven’t been to Switzerland and you ever get the chance to, I’d highly recommend it, it is just as it looks on a postcard.

I am looking forward to meeting you on our LIVE zoom meetings!

Love, Viviane x

Alleviate Your Back Pain Course is Perfect For You If....

  • You want a complete at home solution to finally stopping your body's aches and pains 
  • You enjoy learning from a qualified Pilates instructor all the best techniques to strengthen the muscles that will have you thriving
  • You are ready to kick your fitness into the next gear
  • You know that now is the time to take back your health and wellness

Take a look at what these Pilates clients have to say!


Aged forty-something, with a hectic job and teenagers dominating my life, I decided it was time to do more for my personal health. Pilates gives me that space where I can focus on my body, build up my core strength and allow some time for relaxation. Viv is an excellent teacher, who encourages us all making sure we each challenge our bodies.
With small class sizes, Viv is able to tailor the lesson and make it accessible for all abilities. Since starting Pilates, my flexibility has improved, my body feels stronger and with the built in meditation sessions, I am looking after myself much better”

-Cherry Parker

"I needed to find a new pilates class after moving to the area and I was experiencing discomfort in my lower back and shoulders.I joined Viv's Thursday class and have been loving "MY" hour every week for the past four years. I am now physically stronger and my pains have vanished.I recently tried paddle boarding and my core stability gained from Pilates has definitely helped this ๐Ÿ™‚. After class I feel lighter and brighter mentally and so grateful for "the stretched out feeling" after sitting at your desk after a long stressful day. Viv varies the classes each week with different equipment and routines to challenge us, but always the same smile! The ladies in our class, I am pleased to call them friends ๐Ÿ’•Viv has supported us via Zoom during lockdown keeping us motivated and engaged. I am 54 and would recommend giving Pilates a go at any are never too old ๐Ÿ˜‰. Self care is an important part of our lives."

-Denise Hance

"I love that I can go back and re-do all six classes (and bonus) - fabulous value for money.  The more I do the better/stronger I feel.  I think I've mentioned my balance is definitely improved - not that I spend a lot of time on one leg - but my core works better for sure. 

You make the classes easy to follow and I think I finally have a handle on the breathing  that's taken a while.  One of the last exercises in lesson 6 where you stretch your leg and opposite arm along and out back is great - breath in, breath out...  There's a bit to remember initially - the ABC.  But your 'how to' guide is really useful."


Don’t let another year go by before you take control of your back pain.


This course will help you to alleviate your aches and pains, it will strengthen your core muscles, help with poor posture, and make you more aware of your body. Pilates can help reduce anxiety and improve overall wellbeing and health.

What people asked before signing up for the
Alleviate Back Pain Programme...

Are you ready to finally take back your fitness?


  • 6+ hours of Expert Pilates instruction
  • Tailored lessons to get you out of pain
  • Personalised log-in to go at your own pace
  • Pre and Post course assessments to measure your progress


  • LIVE 60 min Zoom calls on the 1st Tuesday of each month at 5:30pm GMT to ask questions!
  • 35 minute gentle flow session to ease you into the next 6 weeks
  • Exclusive access to 5+ more hours of Pilates lessons






Please read the information below to help you exercise safely. 
Exercise is not without risks and this or any other exercise programme may result in injury. They include but are not limited to: risk of injury, aggravation of a pre-existing condition, or adverse effect of over-exertion such as muscle strain, abnormal blood pressure, fainting, disorders of heartbeat, and very rare instances of heart attack. To reduce the risk of injury, before beginning this or any exercise programme, please consult a healthcare provider for appropriate exercise prescription and safety precautions. The exercise instruction and advice presented in the classes are in no way intended as a substitute for medical consultation. Viva Pilates disclaims any liability from and in connection with the classes. 
As with any exercise programme, if at any point during the class you begin to feel faint, dizzy or have any physical discomfort, you should stop immediately and seek medical advice. 
Please take note of the following precautions before taking the class: 
To reduce and avoid injury, you will want to check with your doctor before beginning the classes. By participating in the classes, you are doing so at your own risk. Viva Pilates will not be responsible or liable for any injury or harm you sustain as a result of our Pilates program. 
Please use good judgement and common sense when taking the class, consider your level and ability and choose the appropriate level of the exercises and rest when you need to. 
Please ensure you are in a clear space with no obvious hazards, with ventilation, appropriate lighting and access to water. 
All live and recorded content is the property of Viva Pilates Ltd and is not to be shared with third parties.