Why you should take up a 30 day movement challenge

Mar 02, 2022

Research shows that 30 day challenges work! Here we explain why this is and give you some simple movement challenges to get you started!

Firstly, why 30 days? Well, a month is the ideal amount of time to either kick an old habit or start a new one, depending on what you want to achieve. If you’ve spent years wanting to stop eating chocolate, or start exercising, or write a book this is the month when you could finally do it.

Watch this TED talk and be inspired into a new way of thinking to achieve your goals.

We’ve come up with seven simple challenges to kick start your 30 day routine. It’s entirely up to you; only take up one of these challenges each day or perhaps two or more. I’d love to hear how you get on and whether you need any morale support or encouragement to keep you going past 7 days and up to 30. It’ll be great to hear whether you’re feeling more relaxed, energetic, calmer and happier after you’ve completed a 30 day challenge.

Movement Challenges

  1. Do squats while you brush your teeth and/or exercise while you’re waiting in a queue
  2. For journeys of two miles or less, walk.
  3. Stand on one leg while you do the washing up
  4. Take the stairs! Do not use lifts/escalators
  5. Complete a 60 second plank
  6. Dance around while you do the hoovering
  7. Walk and talk when you’re on the phone

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