Turkey Noodle Broth Recipe

clean eating recipe Dec 01, 2021

Nothing beats a warming bowl of soup on a cold winter’s day. Try this homemade turkey broth recipe with your leftover turkey.

Here's a list of all the ingredients you're going to need to make turkey broth:

  • 50g turkey mince (or leftover turkey from Christmas)
  • 2.5cm piece fresh root ginger peeled and very finely chopped
  • freshly milled black pepper
  • 750mls hot chicken stock
  • 50g leeks, finely sliced
  • 50g frozen peas
  • 2 tbsp wheat-free soy sauce
  • 50g mushrooms, finely sliced
  • 100g rice noodles, cooked
  • 1 small bunch watercress, finely chopped
  • dash lemon juice


  1. Mix the turkey mince with the chopped ginger and season with black pepper. Roll into small balls the size of a large marble.
  2. Meanwhile, place the hot stock, leeks and peas into a large saucepan, bring to the boil, and cook for 2 minutes. Drop in the turkey meatballs one by one and simmer for 3-4 minutes until the turkey is cooked through.
  3. Add the soy sauce, mushrooms, noodles and watercress. Warm through and check the seasoning, add a dash of lemon juice to finish and serve. Enjoy!
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